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CHKD Milk Bank proving to be a lifesaver for young parents

The recent shortage of infant formula has brought nationwide attention to the challenges faced by parents in providing proper nutrition to their young ones.
That’s an issue that The King’s Daughters Milk Bank at the Children’s Hospital of The King’s Daughters in Norfolk has been dealing with for years.
The milk bank has been supplying families with infants with human pasteurized milk since first opening in 2014. Director Ashlynn Baker said the milk they provide contains lifesaving medicine for the babies who receive it.
Baker said the milk bank operates under the set rules and guidelines made by the Human Milk Banking Association of North America or HMBANA. This means that before a mother can donate, CHKD must screen the donor to make sure the milk they give is safe.
The screening process involves recommendations from the mother’s OB/GYN, blood tests and checkups on the mother and their infant’s health. Baker said the milk is homogenized and pasteurized before being inspected by the ba...

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