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Chesapeake Bank provides matching funds for AED purchase for Mathews first responders

Automated External Defibrillators are an essential piece of equipment in life-threatening events for first-line, emergency, medical staff and responders.
Over the past several years, the Mathews County Sheriff’s Office has experienced equipment failures that have reduced the number of AEDs devices available for patrol vehicles.
Thanks to the donations from Mathews County Triad, the sheriff’s office was able to update three existing AEDs. They requested help from the Mathews Volunteer Rescue Squad to explore options to acquire new and improved equipment for the patrol vehicles.
The MVRS took this request and applied for a grant with the Virginia Rescue Squad Assistance Fund to help with the purchases of new AEDs that would be compatible with their heart monitoring equipment.
A 50/50 grant-funding request was approved to purchase six new AEDs at the total cost of $11,812.50. Chesapeake Bank donated $5,900 to update the sheriff’s office with Life-Pak CR2 Defibrillators, Fully Automated AE...

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