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Changes on T.C. Walker Road

Virginia Department of Transportation workers moved quickly to make changes to T.C. Walker Road and Short Lane in Gloucester, prompted by the urging of a resident who lives along T.C. Walker Road and Phillip Bazzani, York district representative on the Gloucester Board of Supervisors. The matter of dangerous speeds and passing was brought up in September. Within a month, VDOT had removed the passing zones on both T.C. Walker and Short Lane. A 45 mph zone has also been imposed on all of  T.C. Walker from the intersection of Route 17 to the intersection of Zanoni Road. According to VDOT spokesperson Ron Peaks, the area between Zanoni Road and Main Street did not warrant a 45 mph zone and remains at 55 mph. At left is one of the new 45 mph speed limit signs along T.C. Walker.

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