My two precious daughters left our devastated family for heaven. Cathie, 69, the widow of Alton J. Brown III. They spent 42½ years together, happily. Cathie was born in Mary Immaculate Hospital Sept. 18, 1953 and left us Dec. 14, 2022.
Preceding my Cathie was my Jan, 63, who left us March 3, 2021. She was born in San Francisco, Ca., Dec. 21, 1957. Left to mourn his mother is son, Tony C. Morgan Jr. and special aunt, Cathie. Left to mourn both are their grieving mother, Esther Green Dawson; brother, Mark A. Coates Sr. (Mark A. Coates Jr. (Danniell), Ashley and Alijah); brother, Roger D. Coates (Linda), Emily, Kevin (Paula), Kayla, Gracie and Kristen); sister, Angela Sterling Jones (Jenna, Nelson and Roger); sister, Maria Ford Tanner (Jessica, Luke and Maddie); cousins, Nancy Jenkins Duty (favorite—who grew up like sisters) (Pete); Diane Jenkins Berry (Russell), Amy Green, also Betty Setterholm, Joanne Brown, and Betty Lou Brown Sammons; lots of Cathie’s and Jan’s cousins; nephews and nieces.
Preceded in death by their loving grandparents, James E. (Ned) and Ida Mae Bonniville Green; their loving dads, Marcus T. Coates and Glen R. Sterling; loving uncle, Franklin E. Green (Michael and Peggy); loving aunt, A. Louise Green Jenkins (Russell); loving father and mother-in-law, Alton J. Jr. and Lucille Smith Brown; brother, Ronnie, and niece, Mary.
We will have a loving get-together in the spring. To be determined at a later date.