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Candidate forums planned in Mathews

Three candidate forums are scheduled in Mathews for the upcoming election, which will be held on Tuesday, Nov. 2. Early voting is already underway.
The forums are being sponsored by the Mathews Branch of the NAACP, the Piankatank Ruritan Club, and the Mathews Resources Council.
Mathews NAACP
The Mathews Branch of the NAACP will hold a virtual candidate forum from 7-8:30 p.m. on Tuesday, Oct. 12, via Zoom. Advance registration is required.
Candidates running for the Mathews School Board will be featured first, said a press release, and they will be followed by candidates for the Mathews Board of Supervisors. The forum will close with candidates for the Virginia House of Delegates 98th District. All candidates have been invited, said the release.
The Rev. Dr. Marcus Stallworth, pastor at Mathews Chapel United Methodist Church, will serve as moderator. Those attending will be able to submit questions for the candidates to him, and he will ask as many questions as time allows.Participants ...

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