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BZA defers vote on firearm repair business application

The Gloucester County Board of Zoning Appeals postponed a vote on an application for a special exception June 24 since only four members attended the meeting in the colonial courthouse.
Planner Tripp Little said that the board’s rules require that if only four members are present, all the votes must be in favor for the application to pass. But since three members were absent, he said, the board decided to defer a vote until its next regular meeting at 7 p.m. July 22 in the colonial courthouse.
Linda Sprague, an assistant in the Gloucester Zoning Office, said the scheduled public hearing was held. Applicant Peter W.T. Maxwell seeks a special exception to the Gloucester Zoning Ordinance for establishment of a home occupation business.
Maxwell said in his application he wants to repair and clean firearms at 7316 Our Way Lane. The property lies in the Abingdon Magisterial District and is zoned single-family detached residential (SF-1).
“I want to specialize in work primarily fr...

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