Last week, more than 450 butterflies and moths, as well as dozens of chrysalis, were released into the Butterfly Haven exhibit at the Virginia Living Museum, where they will have access to native plants that encourage butterflies, moths, and other pollinators healthy life cycles.
The Butterfly Haven at the Newport News museum opened to the public on July 29 and will close on Sept. 24.
VLM has actively participated in butterfly conservation efforts for over 30 years with efforts such as the NABA Butterfly Count Tag and Release program that allows the museum to track butterflies for thousands of miles. The Butterfly Haven allows guests to be close to a variety of native butterflies and see them in all stages of life from egg to caterpillar, to chrysalis, to butterfly.
Some of the species of butterflies included are Question Marks, Sulphurs, Whites, and Gulf Fritillary. Two new species of butterflies introduced to the Butterfly Haven this year are Giant Swallowtails and Tiger Swallowtails...
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