County budget season is in full swing and the Mathews Board of Supervisors recently heard requests from county department heads and constitutional officers as it puts together its FY26 budget.
Most of the speakers at the Feb. 27 budget presentation meeting either requested increases or reported increases that are being mandated by the state. Only a couple of small decreases were included in the requests. If all department and constitutional office requests were approved, it would increase the budget by $2,427,434.
This amount excludes increases requested by Mathews County Public Schools and Social Services, as well as projected increases to the capital improvement and fleet budgets. County Administrator Ramona Wilson said in a telephone interview that the total increase of the FY26 budget over the current operating budget would be $3.74 million if all requests were approved.
Wilson began the Feb. 27 meeting by providing an overall look at the budget. She said that Anthem insurance will...
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