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Bright days at Mobjack

115 YEARS AGOThursday, Feb. 3, 1910from the Mathews Journal
Everything is going on smoothly and quietly at Mobjack, where the sun shines brighter in winter, and the breezes blow cooler in summer, than in any other place in Old Virginia.
Miss Adelle Bibb, Mobjack’s popular and efficient teacher, returned from Norfolk, where she has been in a hospital for the past three weeks with a severe case of la grippe, and resumed teaching last Tuesday to the delight (?) of all the children.
100 YEARS AGOThursday, Feb. 5, 1925from the Mathews Journal
Around Cobbs Creek, we hope the Ground Hog did not see his shadow and that Spring will soon be with us.
Mr. H.E. Knotts is having a special sale this week. He expects to go out of business soon.
Rev. C.W. Diebert preached a fine sermon at Spring Hill Baptist Church last Sunday afternoon and will continue to preach there every first Sunday afternoon until they obtain a regular preacher.
The fishermen are getting ready for the spring fishing.
90 YEARS AG...

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