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Boards to address long-term school needs

A discussion of issues heading into the upcoming 2024-2025 Mathews County Public Schools’ budget cycle eventually took on a wider focus. Members of the board of supervisors and school board spoke about long-term needs of the division, including floating the idea of a bond issue at some point in the near future to address neglected capital projects.
Members of the two boards sat across the table from one another at a joint work session Tuesday night in the Brooks Auditorium at Thomas Hunter Middle School.
Superintendent of Schools Dr. David S. Daniel began the meeting, reviewing budget figures over the past two years, the county’s Local Composite Index, declining enrollment, the current status of teachers and staff, and other factors related to developing this year’s budget.
Between FY 2023 and FY 2024, Mathews County experienced a decrease of roughly $1 million in state revenue, as well as a drop of $383,000 in federal school funds, primarily as a result of declining enrollment. The lo...

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