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Board tackles number of issues at meeting

Mathews supervisors, meeting last Thursday in the historic courthouse, addressed a range of topics, from adopting an abandoned boat ordinance to disbanding the Hole in the Wall subcommittee because progress had been made on the issue.
After tabling discussion of an abandoned boat ordinance last month because some supervisors objected to including guidelines involving structures such as docks, the board took the matter up again, this time considering only guidelines for boats.
Citing state code, the adopted ordinance authorizes the county to require the owner to “remove, repair or secure any vessel or boat which might endanger the public health or safety of other persons, or which might constitute an obstruction or hazard to the lawful use of the waters within or adjoining such locality.”
If the owner doesn’t remove the property, the county can do so and require the owner to pay the costs, including placing a lien against the owner’s real property.
Hole in the Wall
After a closed sessio...

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