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Board approves changes to short-term vacation rental ordinance

The Mathews County Board of Supervisors held three public hearings during its board meeting on Thursday, Oct. 17, approving changes to the language governing short-term vacation rentals and adopting a no-wake zone for Put-In Creek, but tabling action on adopting new fee schedules for the planning and zoning and building departments.
Also, the board heard from Mathews Sheriff April Edwards, who raised renewed concerns about the county’s IT personnel, making numerous allegations including that her office has had to deal with a large number of Freedom of Information Act requests from county employees and fake accounts, that IT removed protection from sheriff’s office tablets, restricting access to websites, and accessing private sheriff’s office group emails.
Edwards spoke during the supervisors’ September meeting about “delayed responses when our system or connectivity goes down.” She said that “someone in county administration” had told her the employee “can be a bit sensitive” and aske...

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