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BC United Outreach holds ‘I Am Enough’ seminar

The “I Am Enough” youth girl seminar, sponsored by BC United Outreach, was held last month at the Holly Knoll/Gloucester Institute, offering a day of empowerment and education for girls in grades 6-12.

The seminar featured an impressive lineup of speakers, including a licensed psychologist, a chief of staff from the National Space Council, a State Department employee, a college professor, an elementary school teacher, an entrepreneur, and a retired DARE officer and retired school teacher from Gloucester County. The event covered a range of essential topics designed to inspire and support young women.

Topics covered included Movement and Health and Wellness (emphasizing the importance of physical activity and healthy living); True Friends Navigating Life (focusing on building and maintaining meaningful friendships); Self-Care and Beauty (encouraging self-care routines and understanding beauty beyond physical appearance); Your Journey Was My Journey (sharing personal stories to hi...

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