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Bazaar supports work of Botetourt High School

100 YEARS AGOThursday, Dec. 16, 1920from the Gloucester Gazette
Friday evening, Dec. 17, commencing at 5 o’clock, the Gloucester Superintendent of Schools desires to call special notice to all the patrons of our schools to the bazaar at the school rooms next Friday evening. Such energy, such loyalty to their work and the purpose for which the bazaar is to be held, as has been displayed by the faculty, commends the effort, to public consideration. Patrons and friends of Botetourt High School, let us make the bazaar a success by our contributions and our presence and let us remember that the faculty is working for the uplift and for the betterment of our boys and girls. Help them to do it. —R.A. Folkes, Division Superintendent
from the Mathews Journal
The East Mathews Charge reports that “The response to the call sent out by the committee for the American and Syrian Relief received a splendid response from the people on our charge. All organizations together contributed nearly $300. Late...

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