Fourteen Bay Aging employees recently graduated from the third session of the Bay Aging Leadership Institute, a six-month training program based on leadership principles developed by author Dr. John C. Maxwell.
John Skirven, principal of Skirven Consulting and former CEO of Senior Services of Southeastern Virginia, delivered the commencement address. Skirven quoted Winston Churchill and Buddha and reminded the new graduates that “leadership is living out your values.”
The Bay Aging Leadership Institute is the brainchild of Kathy Vesley, President and CEO. MaDena DuChemin, Human Resource Manager, helps facilitate the sessions. The curriculum centers on Maxwell’s “21 Indispensable Qualities of a Leader.” The course also includes guest speakers, participant-led assignments, opportunities to practice public speaking, and a group presentation. Feedback from program participants has been overwhelmingly positive.
Since the Leadership Institute’s creation in 2020, 48 Bay Aging staff members ha...
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