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Bay Aging, GUEST awarded state homeless reduction grants

Bay Aging and the GUEST program were among recipients of state grants aimed at reducing homelessness, Gov. Glenn Youngkin announced Monday.
In total, more than $12 million in Virginia Housing Trust Fund Homeless Reduction Grants for 68 projects across the commonwealth was included in Monday’s announcement.
The funding will advance targeted efforts to reduce homelessness for 2,669 individuals and families through 25 permanent supportive housing, 34 rapid rehousing and nine underserved populations innovation projects.
Bay Aging, which serves communities of the Middle Peninsula and Northern Neck, was awarded two grants: $265,823 for Scattered Site Permanent Supportive Housing and $60,000 for Rapid Rehousing. GUEST (the Gloucester United Emergency Shelter Team) was awarded a $100,000 grant for that group’s Rapid Rehousing program.
“This funding will help us protect our most vulnerable populations, address Virginia’s housing supply problem and ensure that homelessness in the commonwealth is...

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