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Backyard composting reaps ecological rewards

Cultivating the decay of kitchen scraps, yard cuttings, dead leaves and crumpled napkins destined for landfills infuses landscapes with new life. A well-managed compost pile promotes decomposition of those organic materials that eventually crumble into a nutrient-packed humus.
Chop or shred all plant materials for faster composting. Carbon material should exceed nitrogen volume 3-to-1.Start with a 3-inch layer of coarse plant material. Add about 9 inches of dry or dead plant material as a carbon source. Provide nitrogen with three or more inches of wet or recently growing plant materials. Mix the materials, and add layers. Turn it every seven to 10 days, exposing materials on the inside and covering materials on the outside.Healthy, decaying compost heats up within days. When the pile cools, mix the materials and provide air throughout, Seekford said.
The pile’s center should reach 140°F. for up to five days and be moist like a wrung-out sponge.Extension compost experts suggest compost...

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