Coastal Community Church, with a campus in Gloucester, held a backpack drive recently to help distribute Back to School items for those in need in the Gloucester community. The church donated a total of 46 backpacks, all full of school supplies for grades K-6th. Page Middle School teacher and church member. Kimberly Vogt along with fellow church member Wayne Hunley assembled the backpacks while Vogt brought the backpacks to Debra Falkenberg, the Page Middle School Community Engagement Coordinator. Falkenberg then distributed the backpacks to each of Gloucester County’s Community Engagement coordinators to take to their respective schools. The backpack exchange took place in front of the Community Engagement and Public Information main office located in the Stewart Building on Main Street. Shown, from left, are Gloria Williams, CE&PI Manager; Cindy Thomas, Petsworth Elementary School Coordinator; Deborah Bone, Achilles Elementary School Coordinator; Linda Buswell, Peasley Middle Sch...
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