Artist Alvaro Ibañez and his wife Denise DeVries will host authors Rebecca Tebbs Nunn and Susan Williamson at A-Ibañez Museum and gallery, 199 Whittaker Lane, Kilmarnock, from 2-5 p.m. Sunday during their monthly open house.
Beginning at 3 p.m. in the Surreal Arizona Gallery, the two writers will read from and talk about their published work. Light refreshments will be served in the Main Gallery following the presentation.
Nunn, a Kilmarnock native is known locally for her 12 years’ service on the Urbanna Town Council; six as Vice Mayor. She acted with Helen Hayes Repertory Theatre on Broadway, is a member of Lancaster Players, and taught acting and directing at Rappahannock Community College.
In addition to managing several businesses in the Northern Neck, Nunn was Ms. Virginia Senior America in 2016, Ms. Super Senior Virginia USA 2019 and Ms. Virginia Senior World 2020, winning Second Runner-Up in the World competition that year. On May 22, gallery visitors will learn about one more ...
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