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Author event Sunday in Kilmarnock

Three authors will be featured Sunday in a gathering and food drive at A-Ibañez Museum and Gallery, 199 Whittaker Lane, Kilmarnock. The author event starts at 3 p.m., and those attending are asked to bring non-perishable items for a local food bank, a release said.
Dr. Hiram Larew of Maryland, will talk about the Poetry X Hunger project he founded. Among his publications, his fifth collection of poems, “Mud Ajar,” was published in 2021 by Atmosphere Press.
Dr. Gloria Savage-Early of Hayes, a higher education professional and U.S. Air Force veteran, is author of short stories, a novel, and the anthology “What Did You Want to Be? Reflecting on the Inner Child in Each of Us.”
Also speaking will be Lenette Howard of Midlothian, who writes about small towns and strong women under the pen name Elvy Howard, the release said. Her titles include “Love on the Half Shell,” “Lady Guadalupe” and “Bounty—A Love Story.”
For more details about events at the gallery, see AIMKilmarnock on Facebook or ca...

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