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Auditions Tuesday for ‘Arsenic and Old Lace’

Auditions for the Court House Players’ production of the comedy classic “Arsenic and Old Lace” will be held at 7 p.m. Tuesday at Grace Covenant Presbyterian Church, 6470 Main Street, Gloucester.
Women’s roles include two elderly leads and one younger woman, age 25 or over.
There are 11 men’s roles. Various ages are needed to portray one lead, three peculiar characters, four police officers, and assorted men’s small parts and walk-ons.
The show revolves around a family descended from the first pilgrims on the ship Mayflower, but now whacky at best and murderous at worst, except for one member, Mortimer. Mortimer is debating whether to remain married, given the propensities of his family—two dotty spinster aunts who poison their guests’ wine, one brother who thinks he’s Theodore Roosevelt, and another brother who has concealed his identity to prevent his arrest for murder.
The show will be presented as dinner theater April 30-May 3 at...

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