Cooking and the consumption of what has been cooked appears, one form or another, in just about every aspect of life no matter where you are or what you might be doing. Food we must have, and the preparation of it has become an art, one way or another.
The Court House Players have put these two elements of the culinary world in another facet of life, the theater. Dolly Biddle and Isobel Lomax give their audience laugh after laugh when they stage a television cooking show brought about by undue circumstances. Once friends, but now professional enemies, the competition between them and the variables in life styles keeps "the witches" cooking and the show moving on.
They do go through the motions of cooking, always emphasizing "wash your hands, remove all jewelry," and in one scene each prepares dishes for a contest, the winner to be determined by one in the audience.
From Scandinavian, to French, to Southern, such as Rhett Butler Ham Steak, the witches present...
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