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ARRL Field Day

This past weekend’s fine weather and a cooperative ionosphere contributed to the success of this year’s ARRL Field Day event that was held at Abingdon Park. Many Middle Peninsula Amateur Radio Club members as well as guests from the public and Gloucester Deputy County Emergency Administrator Carol Steele attended the event. Operations continued for 24 hours under simulated emergency conditions using solar-charged batteries and makeshift antennas to communicate all over North America with thousands of participating stations. Several competing events including the “King of Spain” contest in Europe and the “GB70 Great Britain Queen Elizabeth’s 70-year Jubilee on the air event” provided for some interesting worldwide exchanges. Several unique antennas were employed including one called a “Vertical Bird Cage” at the site. Innovative equipment was used to launch antennas into oak trees. Attempts were made to contact the International Space Station ham operators who were also participating hi...

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