The Gloucester Board of Supervisors unanimously approved a plan to allocate $50,000 of American Rescue Plan Act funds to pay for the lighting and irrigation of the court circle during its meeting Tuesday night in the colonial courthouse. The funds are from the $100,000 the county received from the ARPA-backed Local Assistance and Tribal Consistency Fund.
Those who have driven past the court circle in recent months have seen the construction being done to renovate the county’s historic landmark. Originally, the lighting and irrigation of the court circle was to be funded as a Capital Improvement Plan project. A large portion of those CIP funds had to be used to obtain a matching grant for other court circle construction.
The supervisors also voted 4-1 to approve the rezoning of about 10 acres of land located along Route 17 and Abingdon Glebe and approved the rezoning to not require a public hearing as was recommended by the planning commission. Director of Planning and Zoning Anne Ducey...
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