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Are you prepared to hold a successful yard sale?

Yard sale season is between spring and early fall. While this year’s yard sale season is wrapping up, now is the time to get rid of items not being used to free up some space around the home or the attic.
But are you prepared to hold a successful yard sale?
To ensure a successful yard sale with the least number of leftover items, Gazette-Journal front office manager Regina Smith gave us some tips on how to properly advertise and set up a yard sale. Smith is an avid yard-saler, who has also had a few yard sales of her own.
Before creating an ad for a yard sale, picking a good date and time is very important. Picking the right date and time can have a huge impact on the yard sale turnout.
Smith said that you should always pick a reasonable time for a yard sale. The best time for a yard sale is in the morning on Fridays, Saturdays or Sundays. Fridays are a good day to have a yard sale, but Saturday is the number one day for a yard sale. If the yard sale is being planned for a Sunday, then...

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