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Are you prepared to deal with a brain injury?

Community Brain Injury Services, a Richmond-based 501(c)(3) nonprofit organization, is now providing services free of charge for residents of Gloucester, Mathews, and other Middle Peninsula localities who have suffered traumatic brain injuries.
Up until a year ago, people who had suffered traumatic brain injury (TBI) had to travel to Richmond or the Peninsula to find help with housing, employment, financial, medical, mental health, rehabilitation and other needs, said Jason Young, executive director of CBIS. While Virginia’s community services boards provide case management services for people with developmental disabilities, substance abuse issues and behavioral health problems, Young said, they have no mandate to do so for people with TBIs, so long-term case management simply wasn’t available locally. This left local families unprepared in the face of a sudden catastrophic event.
Now, however, CBIS, under a contract with the Virginia Department for Aging and Rehabilitative Services, ...

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