The Gloucester County School Board will accept letters of interest from qualified candidates for the York Magisterial District seat on the board through June 4. The York seat is being vacated by board member Starr Belvin, effective July 1.
Candidates must be registered York district voters and their letters of interest should include a statement of qualifications and letters of support from other registered voters in the district. After June 4, each applicant will have the opportunity to address the board for up to 10 minutes, and may have one or two York district voters speak for up to five minutes on their behalf.
The school board will interview each candidate in closed session and may make an appointment to the seat at its July 10 meeting. If not during that meeting, the appointment will be made no later than July 31.
The appointed York member will represent the district on the board until the general election in November. The York representative elected in November will fil...
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