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All 4 GHS wrestlers place

Gloucester High School’s wrestling team sent four young wrestlers to the VHSL Class 5 State Championships, with all four reaching the podium.

The four athletes that represented Gloucester were juniors Austin Glockner and Josh Kuehn and sophomores Josh Seaton and Ethan Baker. The championship took place on Feb. 21-22 at Rock Ridge High School.

In the 152 lbs. weight class, Glockner ended his trip as the state’s runner-up. In his final match, Glockner battled through three rounds of overtime, falling to the would-be champion. Glockner ends his impressive season with 37 wins and only three losses. He will hope to compete for gold once again next season, and is expected to be a favorite in his weight class.

Seaton competed in the 160 lbs. weight class and was able to grapple his way to third, falling only to the eventual champion in the semifinal round. Seaton, according to head coach John Glockner, “wrestled what was one of the most exciting matches of the tournament” during the quarte...

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