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Ag-focused laws may affect some consumers

Virginia Farm Bureau Federation’s grassroots advocates are celebrating the advancement of agricultural legislation to support the commonwealth’s farmers in generating high-quality food and fiber.
Some of that legislation will have an impact on rural Virginians and other residents as well. In April, Gov. Glenn Youngkin completed action on 1,046 bills during the 2024 General Assembly session, signing 777 bills, amending 116 and vetoing 153. Bills and amendments addressed in 2024 include verified meat labeling, streamlining farm-to-school food opportunities, and studying large-animal veterinarian shortages.
Youngkin signed legislation allowing for the creation of a Virginia Verified Meat certification, which prohibits labeling products as Virginia Verified Meat if they do not meet the definition of that term in the bill.
“This label is intended to help consumers to readily identify meat from livestock born, bred, raised and processed in Virginia,” said Martha Moore, senior vice president ...

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