Abingdon Volunteer Fire and Rescue, Inc., launched its 2012 fund drive in late December with a goal of $100,000. As of March 7, the squad had received a total of $42,240.95, said Robert Parlett, the squad’s public information officer.
Contributions so far have come from 605 individuals and from 32 businesses, Parlett said.
"These donations are crucial to AVFR to continue to be able to maintain our equipment and replace old and worn-out equipment," he said. "Much of the new and replacement equipment comes solely from the fund drive donations."
Last year, the squad missed its fund campaign goal of $100,000, as a tight economy saw a total of $92,201 raised.
To launch this year’s fund drive, more than 8,000 solicitation letters were mailed in late December to residences and businesses from White Marsh through the southern end of Gloucester County—AVFR’s service area, Parlett said. "We just sent out a second mailing to the addresses...
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