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A Safe Haven during difficult times

Editor, Gazette-Journal:
We are certainly going through difficult times with the coronavirus, jobs lost, Black Lives Matter protesting, rioting, looting, etc. It’s easy for pregnant women to think about having an abortion because they don’t want to bring a child into the world now.
Safe Haven is the answer to that worry. It is a program in all 50 states that allows a woman who has just given birth to give the child to them anonymously with no questions asked. They’ll put the child up for adoption. The program gives each pregnant woman eight or nine months to decide whether to keep or give up her child.
The laws are slightly different in each state. In Virginia, you can give the child to an employee at any hospital emergency room or any emergency rescue squad within the first two weeks after the child is born. Search the internet for Safe Haven laws (your state) for more details.
A crisis pregnancy like Care Net is also there to help during the pregnancy. Things can always change for th...

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