For once, we got the works. Thank you for your great photos. We will return to flowers next week! Please send your photos to
Birds at the feeders of Louise Witherspoon, Port Haywood.
How deep was it? Regina Smith took the measurement at left Wednesday night near Gloucester Court House while the storm continued, and Ruby Williams plunged this rule into snow at Hayes..
Cheryl Slavnik of Gloucester took some great snow photos, including a 6” measurement and a bluebird.
Brandon Davis and daughters Alexis and Sabrina (in front) built this snowman on their dock on Sarah Creek.
Gin Evans and Rose Farmer enjoyed a fun snow ride at Twin Springs Farm in Foster. Photo by Darlene Jackson.
Marilyn Iglesias of Gloucester received help last week by Aiden Mudrie, left, and Ashton Tillage, who were shoveling walks at Main Street Landing.
After Wednesday’s snow stopped, Jeff Shields of Hayes took this sunrise photo on Feb. 20.
Snow was beginning to pile up by ...
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