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87 species, 8,417 birds spotted in MP count

The Middle Peninsula Audubon Christmas Bird Count was held for the sixth year on Friday, Dec. 27, sponsored by the Middle Peninsula Chapter of the Virginia Master Naturalists.
The 15-mile diameter circle of the Middle Peninsula count included parts of Gloucester, Middlesex, and King and Queen counties. Fifty-seven volunteers spent nine hours counting many varieties of birds, said a press release. Thirty of the volunteers were Virginia Master Naturalists from four local chapters and nine volunteers traveled from out of the Middle Peninsula area—one from as far away as Texas.
Public parks and boat landings were visited and many, many private property owners allowed the volunteers access to count the birds, said the release, adding, “We are very appreciative of their support for this important community science event.”
Susan Crockett, compiler, reported that the Middle Peninsula count identified 87 species of birds and counted a total of 8,417 birds in the field and on the water. Although...

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