The 84 East Peer Recovery Center, part of the Middle Peninsula-Northern Neck Community Services Board, has a busy calendar this month. November events include:
Mondays: All Recovery meeting at 10 a.m., Movie Madness and Bingo.
Tuesdays: Adult Children of Alcoholics at noon; Medication-Assisted Recovery Support at 2 p.m., What’s Cooking (second and fourth Tuesdays), Cornhole and Beginning Spanish instruction.
Wednesdays: Boundaries, Journaling, All Recovery meeting and clothes closet (1st Wednesday of the month).
Thursdays: Recovery Connections/All Recovery meeting at 10 a.m., NAMI Connections (second and fourth Thursdays), Arts and Crafts, Uno card game and Yahtzee.
Fridays: NAMI Connections first and third Fridays), Arts and Crafts, Game Day and Frappes.
In addition to other normally scheduled activities, the center will hold a special Thanksgiving party on Thursday, Nov. 17. The menu includes turkey, stuffing, candied yams and assorted sides and desserts. The public is invited.
The 8...
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