The 84 East Peer Resource Center in Gloucester had a banner month in March.
The organization’s St. Patrick’s Day event had a strong turnout, with 49 people coming from everywhere from Gloucester and Mathews to Tappahannock to enjoy good food, drink and camaraderie.
Five graduated last month from its Peer-to-Peer class. A Certified Peer Recovery Specialist course, a continuing education program for Peer Recovery Specialists from the greater Hampton Roads and Tidewater area to hone their skills interacting with client, began on March 31 and continues for eight weeks.
Looking ahead, East Peer will have a booth at the Northumberland Health Fair on April 29. Also, there will be another health fair hosted by the Gloucester NAACP and the Overcomers Adult Support Group conducted at the Lighthouse Church on the same day.
East Peer Resource Center will hold another Peer-to-Peer class starting in May. Classes will be held on May 2, 4, 9, and 11 from 9:30 a.m. to 1:30 p.m. If interested, contact t...
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