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8 youngsters take part in Gloucester History Camp

The Gloucester Museum of History held a three-day History Camp over the holidays from Dec. 28 through 30 for fourth and fifth graders. Eight campers visited the Jamestown settlement, Machicomoco State Park and Yorktown.
Gloucester Museums Coordinator Robert Kelly said that on the first day of the camp, the youngsters traveled to the Jamestown Settlement. There they were given guided tours of the museum, the Powhatan village and the recreated colonial ships.
Following a trip to Jamestown, the campers visited the Fairfield Foundation’s Center for Archaeology, Preservation and Education. There Kelly said the campers washed and identified artifacts in the foundation’s collection.
At Machicomoco, the campers were given a tour of the park by the park rangers. They learned about how Virginia’s indigenous peoples lived off the land and water. This included learning how to tie knots in fishing nets and how the indigenous peoples burned out trees for canoes. The campers were then given a tour of...

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