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6th graders take virtual field trip to WWII museum

Nationwide, teachers are now able to take their students on virtual field trips to museums and historical sites across the country thanks to the National WWII Museum.
Thomas Hunter Middle School social studies teacher Leslie Hudgins discovered the museum’s electronic field trips through Facebook. “It was the right price … free,” Hudgins said. 
The tour, which was led by the New Orleans Museum, focused on the Manhattan Project. THMS sixth graders were shown artifacts and original footage as well as key historic sites in Washington State and New Mexico by student reporters through the live webcast. They learned about the science that was developed to create the atomic bomb and the impact that the bomb had on World War II and Japanese citizens.
The 50-minute field trip gave students an opportunity to ask questions to the New Orleans Museum in real-time. Though the THMS sixth graders did not participate in asking questions this time around, they did try to ans...

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