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64 units collected at Mathews blood drive

An American Red Cross blood drive, held on Jan. 28 at the Piankatank Ruritan Club, Hudgins, resulted in the collection of 64 units, according to volunteer Nan Cross.
Sixty-two people attended the drive. Two were deferred for various medical reasons, while one was not able to give a sufficient quantity. Making up the difference (and a little more) were six donors who provided double-red donations.
Among the donors, Jennifer Booker gave for the first time in Mathews. Receiving gallon pins were Jim Drummond (20 gallons), Melanie Procopio (six gallons), Douglas Thomas (five gallons), Tim Roscher (four gallons), Gregg Faulkner, Rusty Morgan, Dee Russell and Tamara Veney (two gallons each) and Teresa Mullinnix (one gallon).The drive was sponsored by the Mathews Branch NAACP.
The next Mathews community blood drive is scheduled for Tuesday, April 15, at the Piankatank Ruritan Club. For details on how to give, visit

A blood drive was held in Mathews on Jan. 28. Among ...

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