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4th grade science approved to be taught in 5th grade

The Gloucester County School Board met for a work session last Thursday evening in the colonial courthouse to cover multiple agenda topics, including a curriculum proposal to have fourth grade science taught in fifth grade which received unanimous approval from the board.
All curriculum is associated with an assessment at the end of the school year with the exception of fourth grade science, which is not tested until the end of fifth grade.
“Because the curriculum is so dense in fourth grade with Virginia Studies,” said Dr. Amy Stamm, director of elementary education, “and then the science curriculum is very dense, having fourth grade science and Virginia Studies at the same time really hinders our children from being able to cognitively carry that information into fifth grade and be successful.”
Moving fourth grade science to fifth grade will align with the testing year and will allow for more in-depth teaching and learning in these subject areas.
Several neighboring school divisions ...

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