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465 attend this year’s Tour de Chesapeake

Balmy weather made all the difference in this year’s Tour de Chesapeake, said event director Lynda Smith Greve. While 338 riders had signed up in advance for the annual bike tour of Mathews County, clear skies and mild temperatures brought out nearly 130 additional last-minute bicyclists for a total of 465 participants.
“It was a fantastic weekend,” said Greve. “We were busy.”
Grace Merta and her mother Alicia were two of those last-minute riders. As the two waited to board the water taxi on Mill Lane Road at Bohannon, Alicia said she had a weekend off, searched on the internet for a bike ride, and the Tour de Chesapeake came up. Since this was Grace’s first all-day bicycle ride, said Alicia, Mathews County’s flat terrain was perfect.
A quick survey of those waiting for the taxi turned up riders hailing from Northern Virginia, Richmond, Middlesex, Lancaster and Raleigh, North Carolina. Greve said additionally that there were more Mathews pedale...

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