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Gloucester offices to be reorganized

Gloucester County offices will be on the move. A major reorganization of office space is being undertaken to help accommodate early no-excuse voting and co-locating similar departments. Also, several modular units located on Carriage Court have gone well beyond their useful life.
County administrator Brent Fedors said the total cost of these moves will be between $65,000 and $75,000. A portion of this is already accounted for in the current budget and the remainder is expected to come out of the county administrator’s contingency fund.
According to Fedors, the moves will be a much better investment of tax dollars than pouring the money into the aging modular infrastructure that currently exists. This also includes the county garage at Ordinary, which is in a state of disrepair. County vehicle maintenance will now be completed at the Bay Transit facility off Fiddlers Green Road by a county mechanic.
Currently, Fedors said the no-excuse early voting cannot be accommodated where the...

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