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1,107 deer in Gloucester, 510 in Mathews taken in 24-25 season

During the 2024-25 deer hunting season, Gloucester hunters reported killing 1,107 deer, including 447 antlered males, 137 male fawns, and 523 females. This was a slight increase from the 2023-24 total of 1,076.
In Mathews, the deer kill totaled 510 animals, including 213 antlered males, 43 male fawns, and 254 females. This figure was 62 more deer reported killed than in 2023-24.
The figures were issued last week by the Virginia Department of Wildlife Resources, which noted a total reported deer kill throughout Virginia of 205,759 animals, down less than 1 percent from the year before. The deer season ended Jan. 4.
The department noted that the data are preliminary and do not include deer taken during a late urban archery or special late antlerless-only deer seasons, not those taken on out-of-season permits or killed by vehicles.
DWR notes that by law, “each successful deer hunter is required to report every deer killed” and it has a database of years of records.
Historical figures
The ...

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